Regular Tuition Program
For those struggling students who are unable to keep pace
with the school academics in chosen subject can drastically
improve their subject skills and can come with flying colours
at the end of the course. Students will show a marked improvement
in their performance right from the first month onwards.
Typically a regular course would be conducted for a period
of 5 to 6 months with an average frequency of 2 days a week
and tutoring for 3 hours a week per subject. Students will
be provided tests, work sheets and study skills notes during
the period of their tutoring from Tutor24x7 and their performance
will be available to parents on real time basis.
Accelerated Tuition Program
This program is ideally suited for those who are lacking in some of the subject areas and need tuition help to overcome those quickly to catch up with other students in the class.
The average time duration for the course would be 4 months with tuition delivery of 3 hours a week per subject and includes work sheets and tests for his level.
Condensed Tuition Program
This program is designed for those who would like to review their subject skills to outperform other students in the class and to stay ahead of others in the class.
The time duration for this course would be 3months with tuition delivery of 3 hours a week per subject and includes advanced work sheets and tests for his level.
Connect with us To register for Counselling Session click here