Welcome to tutor 24 x 7
Tutor24x7 is the FIRST Tutoring Organization to deliver online
tutoring 24x7.
Assessment is a key factor in re-engaging potentially lost students. When instruction is tailored to a
student's ability level, as determined by assessments, students show measurable progress. Learning
technology assisted assessment and instruction, with diagnostics and prescriptive practice, generate
invaluable reporting data for tutors, allowing them to get and keep students on track because the
Individual Approach to Education
 Tutor Panel
Tutor24x7students are first evaluated based on the diagnostic test which will help in identifying the strong and
weak areas in the subject and carefully match tutors with students based on personality, interests and learning
style to ensure desired learning outcome in a time bound module. Our teachers are deployed with clarity in the
desired learning outcome at the end of the course
Connect with us To register for Counselling Session click here