Welcome to tutor 24 x 7
Tutor24x7 is the FIRST Tutoring Organization to deliver online
tutoring 24x7.
Assessment is a key factor in re-engaging potentially lost students. When instruction is tailored to a
student's ability level, as determined by assessments, students show measurable progress. Learning
technology assisted assessment and instruction, with diagnostics and prescriptive practice, generate
invaluable reporting data for tutors, allowing them to get and keep students on track because the
instruction meets the student's readiness level. With a teaching methodology that includes
progressive tutoring alongside technology-aided instruction, a student's learning can be completely
re-shaped day by day. Based on this educational research, one-on-one student to tutor instruction is
found to be highly successful in improving a student's academic standing. Tutor24x7online tutoring goes a step further by offering 24x7 services to cater to all those who live
in different time zones as well as preferred tutoring timings during late hours by some of the test
prep students; we provide private instruction in an environment highly conducive to learning - the
comfort and security of your own home, away from the usual classroom distractions and in the
process saving a lot of student’s time like saving almost 100 hours in a year in commuting to tuition
centres that offer one-to-many instruction that can be used for self-study by the student. It is this
combination of private, individualized attention by our outstanding teachers and a secure learning
environment that will enable your child to quickly get back on the academic track and reach his or
her full potential. Tutor24x7 is working to ensure that “No Child Left Behind” across the universe in
academic performance and also the right to choose a tutor lies with the student based on a demo
lecture prior to enrolment.
How about signing up for a free live demo with our subject experts or a career counsellor prior to
joining the course?
Connect with us To register for Counselling Session click here