Tablet Based Teaching
A Tablet PC is a small laptop computer with full keyboard. The monitor can rotate 180° and lay flat on the keyboard.In the initial phase, virtual lectures are uploaded on the tablet. Students had the option of attending the lectures and practice tests and assignments based on the lecture on the tab. Students performance in the tests were revealed instantly and would also get the right answers for the question given in the tab based tests and assignments. Students had the ability to access, view and print the lecture notes if they wish.
Data from the pilot study show that students had a favourable opinion of the use of the Tablet PC in the class and felt that the Tablet PC was beneficial in their understanding course material. Specifically, students found the lectures to be an asset while completing homework assignments or studying for exams. Students also found the use of the Tablet PC prevented the instructor from moving too fast during lecture and getting ahead of the students as they were trying to take notes. In addition, student responses suggested the use of the Tablet PC maintained focus in the classroom, allowing students to more actively take notes and ask questions. Overall, the students found the Tablet PC a useful educational tool and recommended it continue to be used in large lecture courses. Tutoring on tab based model is proving efficient by 33% compared to traditional face2face model for diligent students.
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